Thursday, July 15, 2010

Master Legend Being A Hateful Bigot

So I've been gone for a long while and lookie what I find when I come back: A bunch of super (or special, if you ask me) "heroes" supporting and defending the extremely homophobic views of an ugly, unfashionable man-child by the name of Master Legend. What kind of views? Well, I did a little peeking around the RLSH forums and found this little nugget...

"can you not see the sickness that leads to death.this is just want to praise disgust and evil and call it freedom? whats next, child molester pride day? hey it's freedom so that gives me the freedom to say the truth.i don't feel sorry for them or praise this.i also have the freedom to destroy this evil."

Meow and Friends apparently supports and freely defends the "truth" that homosexuality is a "disgust[ing]...evil" that "[leads to] sick[ness] [to] death". They support and freely defend that the idea to have a parade for gays is at par with having a "child molester pride day". Finally, they support and freely defend the idea "to destroy this evil" that is to be gay.

This was all started because Ms. Meow wanted to have a "debate" on Master Legend. Instead of a debate, there was only praising and extremely hypocritical things said. Thing such as it's alright for Master Legend to believe himself to be a born-again (as in for he thinks he has died twice) avatar of "The Arch-Angel Metatron", but Danger Woman (a mentally retarded activist that does entertainment to spread awareness and raise charity for organizations that benefit the disabled) thinking she can talk to animals is outlandishly stupid and extremely childish. Zetaman was even nice enough to add that being gay isn't "the correct life-style" to have. I am so glad to know these people know whats good for me.

Ms. Meow, you claim that it is wrong to judge someone unless you have met them face to face and yet judging is all you did on this episode. You even threw your own "costumed activist" allies under the bus. In fact, judging is really all you people do. You can't possibly know everything about someone you've never taken the time to get to know when you see them doing something you believe to be "law-breaking" and take action against them. We all judge, such as after hearing the episode of this show I can say you're an overly opinionated bitch that loves to shit on anyone you can because you are filled with so much blinding hate all you can see is yourself and only your own personal views matter, no one elses. I have never done anything to you, but after hearing that you support a person like Master Legend in his hateful, bigoted views I can say with plenty of certainty that you are no better that he.

Finally, we come to darling Poop-Knife, who was threatened and insulted instantly after arriving on the show. He is the only different view on the episode. He patiently waits nearly forty-five minutes before getting only so much of a word in before he is interrupted, shouted down, ganged up on, belittled, insulted, and kicked off the show. They all make jokes at his benifit, acting like school-yard bullies, and then giving each other pats on the back for beating the 'big bad villain'. You people make me absolutely sick and you have most certainly made an enemy of me.

I would like to apologize to my subscribers that I couldn't be the funny, witty L.L. I have been on previous posts, but I can't even begin to say how upset hearing this show has made me.




  1. Holy crap... that quote from Master Legend... wow. No. No, Master Legend, you do not have the right to destroy law-abiding citizens who are consenting adults, some of which (but not all) who also enjoy copious amounts of glitter and camp. You are the opposite of a hero, and no, that doesn't equate to villain. It's something more along the lines of "complete fuck-up".

    I hope to hell he falls in love with another man and then has to deal with a sexuality that's more complicated than "I fuck my lady friends, who also happen to be porn stars, even though God says I should stone them to death for being harlots, but its cool because I'm a special snowflake".

    Actually, that's already pretty complicated.

    Seriously, wtf is wrong with that guy?

  2. Lavender Leopard,

    You may not have been exposed to this dumb ignorance in your life, and if that is true, you have ones condolences for finding it propagated by so-called paragons of heroic ideals. It is dumb ignorance that harbors these ideas, and this same dumb ignorance that keeps minds closed. More than likely, and to all our shame, you most likely have been exposed to this dumb ignorance, and for the pain this causes, one can say; They are a diminishing minority, and they, and their views will be ridiculed in short time, and utterly forgotten in longer time.

    Stay strong. Be proud.
    -Lord Malignance

  3. Darling? Really? Awww you made me blush!
