Friday, June 4, 2010

Dat Ass

Been a while since I've posted, but I could NOT resist the urge to after seeing Zimmer on TK's blog. As some of you may already know Zimmer is an openly gay RLSH and is SUCH a cutie. Allow me to sum up my feelings on his lil' costume, though...

-LL <3


  1. Lavender Leopard,

    That picture was obviously posed, for precisely the reason you found. We need some hot Villain and Villainess's pictures. Defeat the heroes at their own game.

    Not mine of course. I'm a wreck. (Baroness - if you read this, that was a lie) Are there 12 Villainous people who could not be ugly for few minutes while a picture is taken? One can imagine a half dozen - but 12? One is even counting Comrade Cocoa...

    Curse you superheroes and your attractiveness!!
    -Lord Malignance
    It's mostly candybar fat - honestly!

  2. Why are all the cute ones gay? WHY?


  3. Ahem! I'm not gay.. but I am taken. Sorry.. it's true, if they're not gay, they're taken.

    Who would like me to post a picture of my butt in my special tight armored shorts?

  4. damn love that ass :P jk

    but hey LL ive dedicated a recipe to you on my blog you should go check it out :D

  5. If you guys need me to, I'll totally wear some biking shorts with a cut-off trenchcoat or something.

    The White Skull has been known to receive the occasional compliment on his bompés.
