Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ninjas: The Fashion Functionally Retarded of The RLSH

I loooooove doing pieces on RLSH with GOOD fashion sense as it is something that gives me hope for the rest of the lil capeys, but then there are the OTHER side of their community, a group that has some of the laziest ideas for costuming... I speak of course of that ninjas of the RLSH. Why are there so damn many of them? Why is this tread so popular? Why can't these idiots learn to dress themselves? These are all questions we may never have the answers to, but until then allow us to speculate by taking a tour of the many and similar-looking shinobi of the RLSH:

Hoodie Ninjas: A LOT of these running around.
(I picked this one because he looks like a Ninja Turtle dressed up as an Airbender fanboy)

Snake Eyes Ninjas
(or 'Guys That Wear Sunglasses Indoors')

Sports Gear Ninjas
(lol, he photoshopped out his parents' livingroom)

Subzero Ninjas
(still looking for Scorpion)

Leather Daddy Ninjas
(he's gonna spank you with that book)

Hat Ninjas
(aka 'Ninja Jones')

Less-Than Stealthy Ninjas
(Ninja XL)

Eyeliner Ninjas
(the liner-pen is mightier than the sword)

And of course, The Ninjaneck
(the only ninja on the list wearing actual camouflage)

LOL, they suck at wearing clothes.
-LL <3

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Best Samaritan

So in my previous blog I did a fun little piece of RLSH fashion tips, which I will naturally continue as there are such juicy topics such as 'Black Vs. Bright' and 'Ninjas: Why Are There So Damn Many?', but for now I would like to direct everyone's attention to my current obsession: GOOD SAMARITAN

An LA RLSH, Goodie enjoys charity work and patrolling with the Pacific Protectorate, but with that adorable angel face of his he could be a dirty little street sweeper for all I care! From Tea Krulos' blog,
"Good Samaritan recently "came out of the phone booth"(as one RLSH put it), revealing his dual identity to his Facebook friends. A bold move to make, but also a confident one."

...Which is how I found this skinny little cutie's Facebook as of recently. Now, even though Goodie revealed himself on his own sexy personal terms, I'm going to stick to the villainess terms of service and will not be using his real name on this page. However, I WILL be posting pics of his darling self in all his gorgeous glory!

You will be mine, sweetie Goodie. Just you wait, baby. ^_~

-LL <3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

RLSH Fashion Do's and Don'ts

If there is one thing I have noticed about the Real Life Super Hero community it's that some of their members don't have the basic ability to go on patrol without looking like walking fashion faux pas. Well never fear my little caped cuties, mama Lav is here to show you the fabulous light and maybe even get you on the right path to help turn your patrol route into a street-sized runway! Let's begin with some RLSH fashion DO's and DON'TS:

DO wear outfits that compliment your body.

DON'T flaunt it if you ain't got it.

DO try to work your RLSH persona into everyday fashion.

But if people have no idea what they're looking at, DON'T. (Especially if it kinda looks like a swastika)

DO try simple outfits.

...But DON'T make yourself look like a simpleton.

DO try something fun with your hair.

DON'T if you haven't gotten a second opinion.

If you know look good, DO it.

DON'T. Just... DON'T.

You're welcome. If you know an RLSH featured on this blog, be sure to tell them. I'm not doing this for my sexy lil health, ya'know!

-LL <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I've been gone for a few months at best and when I come back what do I find, but some bitch named "LL" talking shit on my villain cuties. Ummm, excuse me bitch, but if you didn't know I'M THE ONLY LL THIS COMMUNITY NEEDS!! Step off grrl, cuz this kitty's got some serious fuckin claws that he ain't afraid to use, okrr.

-The REAL Motherfuckin
L.L. <3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Superfashion Done RIGHT

Even though it is my stated mission to put a glittered boot in the RLSH's collective tight asses when they make a fashion faux-pa, I still feel it important ever once in a while to build up instead of just constantly tear down. With that in mind, I would like to bring to your attention an absolutely adorable RLSH couple, a pair known as 'The Purple Lotus' and 'The Green Lizard'. Already I love these two, proving they can mix and match colors properly without needlessly butchering the art. Purple sports my personal fave color in everything he wears, but in a tasteful way that can almost be called 'conservative-liberal' (no political jokes or I'll smack you so fast your weave'll catch flame), wearing outfits that give him the look of man that means business while still making it apparent that he's a superhero with something going on in his very skillful fashion sense.

Sometimes it's business-professional

Sometimes it's casual

But it's always respective and cool looking. Also, I love a man that knows how to wear his make-up.

The second half of this fabu-twosome is Purp's ladyfriend, 'The Green Lizard', whom just like her name suggests is a chameleon of every spectrum of fashion and style. I can't even begin to describe her costume because it almost seems like she doesn't have an established look and that is actually a GREAT thing seeing as it can keeps'em guessing, keepin bitches on their toes with her fierce mixing and matching skillz. But why should I do all the talking when I can let her pictures do all the justice needed to prove that this gurrrl has a superpower all of her own: BEING FABULOUS 24/7





And of course like all great superheroes, ICONIC!

I can't honestly find anyone in the entire RLSH community that bangs out as many stunning and fabulous outfits as Green Liz, and I honestly have to applaud homegirl for having such an awesome closet full of such killer klothes. You know how to make a villain jealous!

I cannot even begin to say how wonderful it has been doing this piece as it gives me the opportunity to show the cape wearing walking-fashion-crimes of the RLSH how what you SHOULD do in considering what to wear out on your numerous outgoings of charity and various vigilante ventures, but alas I feel these two are indeed a rare breed amongst their masked siblings in the real life superhero scene. Purple Lotus and Green Lizard, you two are by far the best dressed of your community and for that I congratulate you. Now get out there and show these bitches hows its done!

